Friday, February 20, 2009

The Countdown is nearly on!!!

There's a little more than one month before Jordy checks into the MTC, a little less than three months since he got his mission call. In case you haven't heard, Jordy will be serving in the Leon, Mexico mission. He will enter the MTC March 25th and stay for about eight weeks while he learns Spanish.

We have been busy during these past three months. I never knew it took so much to prepare a young man for a foreign mission. As of now his passport and other info is in Utah where they are arranging his Visa. He had to get a load of vaccinations too, but he was a good boy about all of it...even the shots!

Hopefully this blog will be a way for Jordy to keep all of his friends and family up to date with what's going on in his mission. This is all new to us, so we'll see how it works.

Love you all,
Lisa (aka his mom)


  1. Hurrah for Israel! Jordy, we sure are proud of you, and I can't wait to see pictures of you and hear of your great adventure in the land of Mexico!

    You rock.

  2. Perfecto!

    In your poll, I voted for Europe, just because I've always wanted to go there. Particularly the English speaking regions. :)

    Can't wait to see how this blog takes shape. Oh the places you will go, Jordan!

    Congrats, again!

  3. Jordan, This is really great. I can't wait to keep up with your travels and adventures this way. Muy Bien!

  4. There is a strong possibility that Jordan will be the last missionary I ever set-apart. I am satisfied that he will be a great one to end on!

  5. 6kids/??, let's see, who could that be? That's a really cute username!
    Thanks to all of you for the support you've given to Jordy as he prepares for his mission....I hope you understand when I say I just want to get him to the MTC and settled, then I can start counting down to when he returns..that will be so much more fun than counting down to when my little boy leaves. I've said it before, but I'll say it again, like John told Margo, "It's amazing the women who have lived through this!"
    Thx again to you all for visiting...

  6. This comment has been removed by the author.

  7. Jordon, our family is so proud of you also. You will be a fine missionary if you always remember to do as your grandpa Mike would do. Follow in his footsteps, and all will be fine.

  8. This is so exciting and I love the fact that we can follow Jordy with this blog. I love this family and this little boy who not too long ago I remember watching him play naked in a wash basin in Aunt Drex backyard. Good luck Jordy. We love you

  9. Jordan,
    Just found this site as you fly west this morning. Know this is a bitter-sweet day. Know that we love and support you. In a few years Billy and I will be doing the same!

  10. Just found this site as you are flying out this morning. Know this is a bitter-sweet day. We are so proud of you. In just a few years, Billy and I will be doing the same. Keep up the good work.
