A McDonalds is a McDonalds is a McDonalds. McDonalds, Let me count the many ways I love thee. What to name this week's entry? There were so many choices!
Can you tell going to a simple "American" fast food restaurant and having a meal is reason to celebrate? Elder Guthrie and his companion, along with a couple of other companionships, got a chance to do just that this past week. When I asked Jordy is the burgers taste the same at a McDonald's in Mexico as they do in the good 'ole USA, he said he didn't remember what they tasted like back home. Tears!
Elder Guthrie and Elder Richards are still experiencing a bit of a lull in baptisms, so I am just hoping and praying they don't get frustrated. With only 6 months to go it is easy to start thinking of home and what your future holds, but Jordy knows he has 1/4 of his mission left and there is plenty of work still to do.
Keep praying for Elder Guthrie and the missionaries in the Leon mission. I know they feel your prayers.
BTW: That's Elder Garcia sitting beside Jordy and Elder Richards (his companion)looking a little perplexed by the car. Can you figure out what the sign says?