Wednesday, December 29, 2010

Blogger Problems

Blogger is really slow tonight...It couldn't be me, could it?
Anyhow, here are a few more pictures of Christmas week.

Tuesday, December 28, 2010

THE Christmas Phone Call

I don't know about you, but we had the most wonderful Christmas! On Christmas day, from about 3pm to just a little after 4 we got to actually TALK to Elder Guthrie. Missionaries only get to actually talk to their families on Mother's Day and Christmas, so this was the fourth time since March 2009 since we've heard his voice. Except for the occasional pause, trying to remember the English word for certain phrases, he sounded much like the old Jordy. He sounded really good to his mama!
Elder Guthrie has a new companion, Elder Wanamaker, an American. It was actually a special transfer due to some missionaries leaving early because of upcoming school schedules.
Other news of the week included:
*He continues to lead in the number of boxes/correspondences from home. Sadly, he hasn't gotten the box with the special photo garland yet. There's still hope, but I have a sneakin' suspicion there may be pictures of Jordy's family and friends hanging in undisclosed homes in Mexico. If so, they are eating chocolate and pop tarts too. I can't remember everything that was in that box though. I am not that organized. Something tells me Margo would know.
*He included pictures of the last Missionary Conference he attended. You can see the President and his wife. I love that Elder Guthrie has finally moved up to the front row. Remember when he was way in the back?
*He and Elder Wanamaker traveled to San Miguel Monday and got to be tourists. Another companionship in the area around San Miguel showed them all the "touristy" places and Jordy actually loved the city. It is the first time I've heard him really love a place. Don't get me wrong, he loves the people, but before San Miguel, he never had any glowing things to say about the areas.
*He sends his love to all his family and friends and is getting pretty excited about coming home!

I am so very glad it is THIS Christmas, not last one! Just sayin'.

Tuesday, December 7, 2010

December 7, 2010

Elder Guthrie spent a couple of days in Leon this past week for some DL training. I always love to hear he has been to Leon, because I know he'll get any packages I've sent, and this time he got THREE! Plus, he got to see some of his "generation" too. He said there weren't enough beds in the mission home to accommodate everyone so Elder Mouritsen (his MTC companion) told him he had an extra bed. Jordy was funny telling the story, saying that it was just a ruse, b/c Mouritsen simply wanted to get into what he knew would be some of the good candy that always comes in Jordy's boxes from home.
That's him and Mouritsen messing with the big Mexican hat.
On the homefront, we are starting to get busy in preparation for our trip to Mexico. About half of us have already gotten our passports in the mail, with Katie and Ethan going next week to get theirs underway. I have called Mission Travel in SLC and they advised me to contact the Leon Travel office and see when Jordy's official exit date is. Awaiting that information now. EXCITING!!!
Enjoy the pictures, I know I did!

Monday, November 22, 2010

November 22, 2010

Changes in the mission today, but not for Elder Guthrie. It looks like another six weeks in this area.
Not much new news this week, just another week in 'ole Mexico. Elder Guthrie did send some new pictures though, and we always like them. I especially like the one with the sign over the door!

Monday, November 15, 2010

"I am REALLY beginning to hate Mexican food"...A Direct Quote

This was a much better week for Elder Guthrie. He had a baptism Saturday and reports that he feels much better. Still not much of an appetite though. Notice the picture of him and the 2 missionaries sitting at the restaurant...he doesn't even seem to have a plate in front of him. It does, however, look like he is eating one of Grandma's or Aunt Susan's light bread biscuits! Somehow I feel it just doesn't taste the same!
Enjoy the pictures. I'm including one of Elder Guthrie posing with Antonio at the baptism, a bunch taken at the restaurant, and one of his desk...notice the smaller fan, much easier to transport from area to area. Maybe it's just me, but I think he is a pretty boy! (Please don't ever mention that I said that to Elder Guthrie. Please.)

I have included part of his weekly letter to the Mission President, though I edited the part that just District Leader/office-type stuff:

Well, I can not put the numbers again, but we had a baptism this week. It was very good, he is 22 years, speaks English, is called Antonio, and is thinking of going on a mission.
I think the members feel the esptíritu and are going to give us references. If we help the members they are going to help. We will continue working with members and looking for good people.

Thank you very much Chairman.
Elder Guthrie

Monday, November 8, 2010

Just Something Else To Worry About.....

So, Elder Guthrie completed his training in Leon and is back in his area. The second line of our "chat" today was "I've been sick this week too". I suppose you can guess what ninety percent of our correspondences was about for the rest of our time!
I say "chat" because we have come to accept that there isn't a computer in Mexico that is going to stay online for over 2-3 minutes at a time, so Jordy is constantly going and coming. We can deal with it for a little over FOUR MORE MONTHS though.

He has had an intestinal infection, according to the doctor he saw in Leon. He reported that he woke up Tuesday night and said, "Ut oh" and has been sick since. We begged him for his Mission president's phone number, but he reminded me that since he doesn't speak English that won't be of much help. Then I begged (and I don't use that word lightly, I REALLY did BEG) for his MP's email address. No luck there, either. Jordy emails him through a link on his LDS email. Just between you and me, I am not giving up on contacting SOMEONE who can tell me how my boy is doing. Call me an overprotective mother if you want. Chances are we have all been called far worse!

Enjoy the pictures. The first one is Elder Guthrie goofing off. The other two were taken this week at the leadership training in Leon. Personally, I think Jordy looks a little sick in them. The tall blond guy is Elder Mouritsen, Jordy's MTC companion. I mentioned that he looked thinner too, since the days in the MTC. Jordy said he definitely was and explained that Elder Mouritsen has had Dengue fever and was even in the hospital with it. I guess it is a given that if you are a missionary in Mexico (insert any 3rd world country) you are going to be sick at some point in your mission. I have a feeling I am going to have a L-O-N-G week.

Tuesday, October 19, 2010

The Humble Life of an LDS Missionary

Elder Guthrie had just enough time to say hello, send us some pictures, write his mission president, and that's about it. His Zone leader called and told him their meeting was to be at 5 o'clock. Since he had to go home and change before the meeting, that left us with about 5 minutes to "chat". As usual he wanted to know the news from home. As usual, there wasn't much to tell him. Deena, Katie, and Mama help by thinking up things to tell him. I asked him 3 times if he'd gotten his absentee ballot and, as usual, he hasn't answered me yet.
He reports that his companion has been out 4 months (nearly equivalent to the time he has LEFT in his mission!!!!!) and that he is a tiny thing. Aunt Deena, stereotyping a whole race, reminded him that ALL Mexicans are little. To which Elder Guthrie responded, "Not this little. He is tiny. I could break him like a twig." I included the picture Jordy sent of him. I think he looks really sweet. I wonder if he knows what a special companion he has? Hopefully his mama can say the same thing.
Also included in the pics are a look at their new home. Missionaries live very simply. I've seen quite a few of his homes now and I am always reminded just how humble a missionary lives. Looking at today's pictures reminded me of the similarities of all his living arrangements. There are several constants: That big, white fan goes where he goes (I don't imagine that is easy to lug around Mexico, but I know Jordy is enough like his mama and would give up many, many things before his fan), there's always an ironing board set up and wrinkled white shirts hanging in a closet, and there's always a desk full of church study materials with pictures of home taped to the wall above it. I imagine Jordy sitting at that desk during early morning study time, glancing occasionally at those pictures of the lighthouse and the people he loves most in the world.
Looking at these pictures reminds me once more what special children my Heavenly Father entrusted me with, and the responsibility we all have as parents to raise them so He won't be disappointed with us. Elder Guthrie has made that so easy for his parents.
Like I said before, he didn't get to stay online for long, so not much new news to report. It does sound like he has much work to do in this new area. In his letter to the Mission President he reported that there were only 25 people in church on Sunday (including him and his companion). Elder Guthrie spoke in sacrament meeting. He told his MP that they were concentrating on getting to know the members and helping in the community wherever they saw a need. I think Jordy is a bit frustrated with the lack of baptisms the past few weeks, but I reminded him that he cannot measure the success of his mission merely on the number of baptisms. I told him that the work he is doing may not yield results while he is there amongst them. It may take months, years, or even decades, but the seeds he is planting will grow one day. I imagine Mexican families decades from now telling of a blond headed American missionary who's influence changed their family forever. I know he changed my life for eternity....a very good thing indeed.

Monday, October 11, 2010

Big Week, Big News

Elder Guthrie had big news this week. Not only was he transferred, but he has a new position/calling/title. Call it what you will, regardless, his mama is extra proud of him today.

Here's today's "letter", including a copy of the letter (after Google Translate did it's job!) he wrote to his MP.

Elder Guthrie writes:

hey, you know who it is, of course you do, anywho im here in celaya in a new area, don't even know who my companion will be yet, this computer is REALLY slow, so this will be our only form of communication. Also, i am now district leader, not sure what i did to tick of the pres. but here i am. Im opening the area, so neither me nor my comp. will know anything about here. Celaya is kinda close to Irapuato. I left at 7o'clock in the morning. I've sent some pics to you, i still don't know who my companion is or will be, he is supposed to come a little later. Like i did in siloa and in irapuato, i am opening the area, so neither of us will know where we are for a little bit. Also like i said i am now district leader, so there comes alot of responsibility my way. But ill just do whatever i can do, not gonna lie, im a little nervous about the whole situation but ni modo(oh well) gotta do it. ONLY got 4 changes left including this one. The pictures are of Elder Richards, my ex comp, elder tenny with the red shirt, and elder gartner.

You can tell he is nervous, but I know he is the Elder the Lord wants for the job right now. I know he can do it. It sounds to me like his MP places a great deal of trust in Jordy, and I am sure it is because of the work he sees Jordy doing. I know Elder Guthrie will have so many stories when he gets home. I know his mission has not been an easy one, and Elder Guthrie was not expecting it to be. I am proud of him every day, but especially so today.
Again, thank all of you for following him and praying for him and the people of Mexico.

Friday, September 24, 2010

A McDonalds in Any Other Country Will Smell the Same?

A McDonalds is a McDonalds is a McDonalds. McDonalds, Let me count the many ways I love thee. What to name this week's entry? There were so many choices!
Can you tell going to a simple "American" fast food restaurant and having a meal is reason to celebrate? Elder Guthrie and his companion, along with a couple of other companionships, got a chance to do just that this past week. When I asked Jordy is the burgers taste the same at a McDonald's in Mexico as they do in the good 'ole USA, he said he didn't remember what they tasted like back home. Tears!
Elder Guthrie and Elder Richards are still experiencing a bit of a lull in baptisms, so I am just hoping and praying they don't get frustrated. With only 6 months to go it is easy to start thinking of home and what your future holds, but Jordy knows he has 1/4 of his mission left and there is plenty of work still to do.
Keep praying for Elder Guthrie and the missionaries in the Leon mission. I know they feel your prayers.

BTW: That's Elder Garcia sitting beside Jordy and Elder Richards (his companion)looking a little perplexed by the car. Can you figure out what the sign says?

Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Happy Birthday Elder Guthrie

Sept. 12th marked the 21st birthday of one mighty fine elder in Mexico. When we "chatted" on Monday I was eager to find out whether he'd gotten a cake. Often Jordy doesn't answer questions (maybe it is the computer connections-always a problem) and when he does it is usually in a round-about way. We hear lots of "sort of", "kind of", "probably", "maybe" and a host of other non-commital responses. So, when he said he "kind of" had a birthday cake I didn't know what he meant. Here's the picture that answers it. So, sometimes "sorta, kinda" is the best way to describe it!

Jordy introduced Elder Tenny to French it is one of everyone's favorites. I do love missionaries!!!!

Monday, August 30, 2010

Decisions, Decisions....

Elder Guthrie sounded good today. No baptisms this week, but possibilities for next week. It's hard to get answers from him, and the Mexican internet won't win any awards any time soon, but we did find out that "changes" were yesterday and he didn't get transferred this time. He told us about some "busy" P-Day stuff he had to do and I asked if he liked being the senior companion. He said it was fine, but sometimes there were hard decisions that were his to make. I told him that was just one of the life lessons this time in Mexico was teaching him: not everything about being an adult is fun and easy, but in the end it will all be worth it!

Monday, August 16, 2010

A Mexican Marriage and Baptism

Jordy and his companion had what he called a "freebie" baptism this week. RM Elder Frame returned to Mexico to marry a girl he taught while on his mission. Her name is Carla and Jordy said she is really cool. Jordy was never Elder Frame's companion, but they lived in the same house while they were both serving in San Luis Pitosi.
Elder Guthrie also reported that he cleaned his house today....and did not like it at all. I also learned he has been doing quite a bit of cooking, which, if you knew the pre-mission Jordy, you would be very shocked at that bit of news. He wanted to know what I put in French toast other than eggs and cinnamon. My boy is really growing up!

Thursday, August 12, 2010

Happy to See Anything From Home!

Elder Guthrie spotted another NC license plate! As you can tell, he is excited to see anything from his home state.
He seems to have been a busy missionary of late. The whole mission is getting used to a new mission president and new ways of doing things. Jordy is still with Elder Richards, who is of his "generation". They had a baptism this week, a young boy named Paco, who Jordy really seems to have taken a "liken" to. Paco was found by "knocking doors" and he wants to go on a mission one day.
The other pictures shows Elder Richards showing off his latest box from home. I can only imagine how happy they are when they get boxes! I asked Jordy why he didn't show his stuff off like that and he said he would consider it.
Elder Guthrie is a hard one to get info out of, probably b/c he is always so busy and his mind is going in so many directions during his brief time at the computer, but I did get a little information that I thought was interesting. Apparently Jordy teaches English Tues-Thurs nights at the church. If you know Jordy you know his students couldn't have a nicer, more patient teacher. However, if they are learning their English SPELLING from Elder Guthrie thay will bee mitee poor spelers!
Keep Elder Guthrie and the Leon, Mexican missionaries in your prayers as they become accustomed to their new mission is a true growth experience for them. Thanks again to all who follow Elder Guthrie's blog and support Jordy during this very special time in his life. I know he feels the love!

Saturday, July 17, 2010

Welcome New Missionary President!

Recently a mom on a Missionary Mom email group I am a member of mentioned that the MTC drop-off, that DREADED Wednesday, procedure had changed. I am attaching the email I sent when I read this bit of news.

Hello Moms,
Someone said they changed the check-in procedure? Don't they have the "sacrament-style" meeting anymore, where we all gathered in the MTC chapel and heard from their Mission President and sung a few songs and THEN said goodbye? It sounds a bit like maybe that is all gone now and you simply drop them off at the curb.
I remember that moment so well. I pulled up to the curb and my missionary got out and started unpacking his luggage, with the help of a very kind older gentleman volunteer. In their packet, they were told to have their vaccination card readily accessible, and I knew right where it was. Problem was, I was sitting behind the wheel crying. I remember so clearly Jordy knocking on the window. When I put the window down, he said, "Ma, I know you've got a lot on you right now, but do you know where my vaccination card is?" That kind of knocked me back to reality. He knew I was sad b/c I was crying...but I needed to show him that along with that sadness, this day was bringing me my greatest joy, literally since the day he was born. So I dried up my tears (with some divine help) and did fantastic the rest of the time we had together that day. (Just ask my sister, Deena)
Maybe that moment when we were told to say "goodbye" is something some parents would rather forgo, but for me seeing all those handsome young men in the white shirts and dark suits and brand new name tags walk down that hall together towards their destiny is a moment I will never forget...and one I will forever hold dear.
Now my missionary has been out for nearly 16 months and I am eagerly anticipating seeing him walk down another hall: Only this time he will be coming my way!!!!!
Congratulations to all you new moms (and repeating ones) who will drop your sons off soon. I started to say "good luck" but we are already the luckiest moms in the world to have sons willing and worthy to serve the Lord on missions.
Sis Lisa Guthrie
mm to Elder Jordan L Guthrie, Leon Mex 3/09-3/11

**As for news from Elder Guthrie....He is always so busy! There is much missionary work to be done in Mexico! This Tuesday he was suppose to have FIVE baptisms and a prospect of 5 more soon.
He has "met" his new MP, but only informally, no interviews yet. I would dearly love to send Pres Karim DelValle (sp?) a copy of Strengthened by the Storm, a book my Uncle Joel wrote about the Mormons coming to Harkers Island and surrounding communities, but I don't think he speaks English. (I need a Spanish version!)
Otherwise, Elder Guthrie continues to do wonderfully. He has been out nearly 17 months now, can you believe it?!

Monday, June 28, 2010

Always Busy.....But that's a good thing

Once again, I wait all day for Elder Guthrie, only to find that he is late for a meeting and won't be able to chat for long. I know all you other moms will understand when I say that just "hearing" him for a second is all it take to make my week. That tells me he is indeed doing well, and a busy missionary is indeed a very good thing.

He had a computer that would not cooperate today, but he did get to send a picture of his whole mission, taken at the Pres Cox farewell. I asked him why he didn't smile! I found him right away...can you?