Monday, September 7, 2009

YEP, I am gonna cry!!!!

You will never believe it, but I think I missed Elder Guthrie by about 7 MINUTES today. He came online quite early...go figure!
Here's what's happened in his world this week....

Here's the actual cut/paste from Elder Guthrie's post this week. Can you tell he was a little annoyed that we weren't here on our end? I know, he should be. I feel bad enough about it without you telling me!
BTW.....he REALLY wants Strengthened by the Storm, Uncle Joel. I am about to send him my copy, but I am just too worried that it will get is one of the first editions, signed and everything. Anyway, any of Uncle Joel's crowd see this just give a little reminder to Pres Hancock. Thanks
Here's Jordy...

Nice to have info, tell Mike congratulations, filicidades
This is getting kind of boring, nobody to talk to and all, probably to town shopping or something. Hows gma doing, is she feeling better? I hope i get a response soon or this will be the most boring email session ever. Get tanner to send me some in-depth football news about the panthers. And any other kind of news that is out. I got 2 packages on Tuesday, the one with the gam and the book i wanted, very good work people

That Wars of the Jews book i got, but still waiting on Strengthened by the Storm, i want my comps to sign it.

Well im on a little early today, hope that doesn't cause problems. We had a baptism on saturday, Juan Carlos was his name, about 30 years old.... My companion baptized him himself, the first ever for him, and i did the confirmation on sunday, yeh in spanish and everything. I was a little nervous about that.
Missionaries don't like to baptize people, it is better for members to do it.

I would send pictures but i left the camera at the house, and im scared to send pictures again. The last two times i sent pictures the memory card was unusable again. Ill try it again next week but i may be without memory cards afterwards. So hows things going down in Htown? Any news, anything would be good. Oh yeah i just got the package with the last edition of the Gam, thats kindof sad, i was looking forward to doing those word puzzles at cubbies again. Oh well, we´ll just have to buy a book with puzzles in it.
I love you too, well CHAT next week, until then, I LOVE YOU AND BYE


  1. oohh- I remember such days...

    when it rains, it pours!!

  2. Lisa- I'll put the book in his hand and get it done today!

    Bless that elder...

    Bless that mama...

  3. Wow that is wonderful that after this much time, both of u are still remembering each other.
    I am not going to remember any person after so much long time.
    Heads os to your relationship.

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