Elder Guthrie didn't have much time today. If there is one thing this missionary mom has learned it is that the life a missionary doesn't have much down time!
As you will see when you read his post, he has just had "a change". Here's what Jordy had to say....
Well I’ve got some new information for you..... Right now I’m in Aguas Calientes, I’ve had changes, they told me last night at about 9 pm. Of the six elders in my district, 4 had changes..... I am now in an area called Colinas as senior companion. I haven’t met my new comp yet, I hear he has about 4 months in the mission. He is from Mexico. Elder Mouritsen also has changes, I’m not really sure where he went but he is also a senior companion. His companion came with me to Aguas but is in the other zone. Elder Ray is going to get a kid, fresh out of the MTC or CCM. There was a lot of changes in the district. I’m a little nervous about being senior comp and all, but oh well, at least I get to carry around the cell phone. They told me to be at the bus station in Leon at 1030 in the morning so I was up a while packing. Really I didn’t want changes. The president told me I’d be junior for another change, and that I was staying with Elder Ray, but I guess we see how that worked out. We'll see how it goes, really I’m not all that sure about the way things are going to turn out with me making the decisions and all that jazz, but we'll see.
It’s 430 right now and we have a junta at 5 so I wont be able to write much, It’s really a weird thing, I haven’t met my new comp yet but he is here somewhere. It’s really going to be weird being senior, before, if anything happened it was HIS fault, now itss the other way around. I’m just going to try and do what I can and it should all work out. I got a promotion kind of quick, 10 months and here I am. Not bad for a white boy. My old district leader, when he saw that I was nervous, told me "you are ready, if you ever get where you don’t know what to do, you can say what I always like to say, “ I’m a representative of Jesus Christ." That actually helped a lot, I guess I have more things pulling for me than I realized.
Not much time left, this was a throw together time to write. I’m actually pretty excited, now I get to decide if we get to the house on time, and things like that. I really don’t know anything about the new area, haven’t even gone there yet. It’s supposed to be a pretty good area, it’s kind of in the city where all the stores are and things like that.... I’ll have a lot of pics for next week, promise
I love you all.
Elder Guthrie