I got an email from Elder Guthrie's mission president today. I am pretty sure it was taken when they first arrived in Mexico. They are a bunch of handsome young men, especially the blond one on the left! As I looked at his smiling face all I could think of was, "Wouldn't his Papa be proud!?" One thing is for sure: Papa's influence in Elder Guthrie's life has played a big part in getting him where he is today and is felt in all of our lives every day. I know his smile is as big as Jordy's.
I will try to include the letter from Pres. Cox as well.
June 29, 2009
Dear Guthrie Famiy:
It was a pleasure to welcome Elder Guthrie has he arrived in our mission. He has been assigned to work with one of our outstanding trainers. We are enclosing a map showing hi area and photographs taken upon his arrival.
Sister Cox and I acknowledge the efforts and sacrifice necessary to support your missionary during his mission. Be assured that his service will bless the lives of many, not just those in our mission but others in his won family as well, he will represent the Lord as His ambassador as he goes forward finding and teaching the restored Gospel to the Lord’s children. As a missionary, he has covenanted to bring souls unto Christ. Ultimately, he will reap the blessings of his service all the days of his life.
In order to be successful, a missionary must remain focused, motivated and diligent in doing the Lord’s work. You can help by communicating weekly with tour missionary. Please send encouraging and uplifting letters and e-mail. Missionary work, though richly rewarding, can also be very demanding. Please do not let a week go by without sending your love and encouragement. Make sure that you send letters in addition to your e-mails.
Because missionaries use public libraries to get their e-mail, many times they are unable to print their mail to reread later. Nothing brings a simile to a missionary’s face like a letter from home.
If there is an emergency that you feel needs to be communicated to your missionary or you have questions or concerns, please call me. You can contact the office at 01- 800-926-65-36 or (477) 770-12-21 or by e-mail at 2012510@ldschurch.org. My home number is 01-800-021-83-93 or (477) 770-83-05 and my cell number is (477)724-49-43. My personal e-mail is coxbecky@yahoo.com
We love our Heavenly Father and count it a privilege to serve among our faithful missionaries. This is the work of the Lord. Please remember that your missionary is in His care and His service. May the Lord bless and inspire you as your missionary fulfills covenant made with our Heavenly Father.
President Robert T. Cox
Mexico Leon Mission
Hey...that's my son in the picture with all of the missionaries. He's the one right above Elder Guthrie...tall guy with the big grin. Email me at bchansen2665 (at) gmail.com